YOURS boutique shop

31 enero 2022

How wonderful is it if you can extend your holiday just a little bit more by bringing it home with you? This is why we have created our own YOURS boutique shop where you can find most of the products that we use in the hotel and some extra YOURS-esque souvenirs.

YOURS Boutique shop

At YOURS we love to work together with local brands that share the same values. This is being reflected in the products that we have selected for our boutique hotel like the Bluebell specialty coffee that we serve or the traditional Valencian vases that we have as decoration. 

Moreover, we also offer our homescent in the boutique shop. Without noticing, smell is one of the most powerful ways to remember moments, places and people. With our hand poured scented candle you can always imagine yourself back in the peaceful oasis of Valencia.

Have you already gotten yourself or your loved ones a YOURS souvenir?